law enforcement funerals: what you need to know about attending one as a leow

Ugh. Law Enforcement Funerals-it's one of the heaviest but most requests topics from yall. I get a lot of DMs about what to wear, what to expect, and what they're like. It's a difficult and sad thing to talk about, but unfortunately, most of us LEO families will attend at least one during our officer's … Continue reading law enforcement funerals: what you need to know about attending one as a leow

how to support a fellow blue family after a critical incident

Earlier this year I wrote this post about my officer’s critical incident and what I found helped me in the midst of his OIS (officer involved shooting). So many of you reached out saying that you could relate and that you found it helpful. This is heartbreaking, because so many of our blue family members … Continue reading how to support a fellow blue family after a critical incident

10 things to do as a police wife after an officer involved shooting or critical incident {what helped me as a LEOW when my LEO was in an OIS}

Having your officer involved in an OIS (officer involved shooting) or critical incident is a lot of police wives’ nightmares come true. It’s stressful and frightening, and can even be traumatizing and life changing. Every incident is different and every family is different, so there’s no “one size fits all” piece of advice I can … Continue reading 10 things to do as a police wife after an officer involved shooting or critical incident {what helped me as a LEOW when my LEO was in an OIS}