investing in our marriages

Ephesians 4:32 reads “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Genesis 2:18 reads “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

My officer and I have been in the process of updating our new house. When we bought it I had a list of things I wanted to change and renovate and upgrade. We decided to start with the floors, since it made sense to replace them while the house was empty. Not only does the wood look a lot better than the old carpet and linoleum and make my carpet hating self happy, but we know it (along with the new paint and trim) has greatly increased the value of our home.

We invest in things all of the time. Our homes, stocks and bonds, our jobs, our wardrobes (where my shoe lovers at?!), our additional properties and cars. But what about our marriages?

I truly believe that there are only a couple of things that are the foundation of our lives-Jesus and our marriages. Everything good stems out of God and the people and opportunities He provides us with, and you have been given an extraordinary gift in your spouse.

Sometimes I sit back and think about how my officer was created specifically for me. All of his quirks, his personality, his strengths, even his weaknesses. We were created for one another and complement each other perfectly.

But a strong marriage doesn’t come without work. This week I challenge you to really INVEST in your marriage (or relationship). This could be money (when’s the last time you went on a nice date night?) or it could be time (when’s the last time you spent an entire day together?)

I know you’re busy. I know money doesn’t grow on trees. But when you think about it, how can you afford NOT to invest in the one of few things that your entire life is built upon?!

Invest in your marriage, friends. Marinate in the knowledge that all good things come from above-and your spouse is no different. And from a strong marriage flows happy families, successful individuals, well raised children, and inspired friends and coworkers.

Invest in the things that matter.

Lord, I am blown away that You would create another human so perfect for me. I am blown away with how much You love me, and how You have helped show that by gifting me with a partner to go through life with, living and serving with. Please help remind me that this gift is precious and not to be taken for granted. Help me make time to invest in this partnership. Help me love him and forgive him and prayer for him and grow with him.

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