easy air fryer donuts

I know the running joke is that cops can’t get enough donuts..but really, doesn’t everyone think that they’re delicious?!

The other day as my officer was getting off shift and I was getting up for the day I decided I wanted to make a fun breakfast treat-without running to the store. After some Pinteresting I found tons of recipes for air fryer donuts using canned biscuits! Technically they’re not really donuts-more like fauxnuts-but they still taste delicious and take less than ten minutes. That’s a win in my book!

To make these fauxnuts all you need is: one can of biscuits (the flaky kind), some cooking spray (or coconut oil, or whatever you want to use in the air fryer), and toppings. I made cinnamon sugar and frosted chocolate, so for those you need: butter, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, cinnamon, and granulated sugar. And, of course, sprinkles! You could also make glazed donuts or powdered sugar coated. We got our air fryer at Costco a couple of years ago; find a similar one here.

To start off with, lightly grease the inside of your air fryer basket. I just sprayed some cooking spray in there, but you could use whatever oil you like.

Cut out holes in the center of your biscuits to make donut shapes. The recipes I found called for a biscuit cutter..but we don’t have one, so I used a shot glass! I’m a professional chef, clearly. Anything that you have in the kitchen that can make a hole works!

After you’ve cut your donut holes out, add as many donuts/donut holes to the air fryer basket as you can without them touching, and cook them at 350* for 3-5 minutes.

Take them out and let them cool just slightly. If you’re making some with a cinnamon sugar topping, brush the tops with melted butter and dip in the cinnamon sugar mixture. If you’re making frosted chocolate, dip the tops in your frosting and add your sprinkles. To make the chocolate frosting, I just melted some butter and chocolate chips, then added a bit of milk and powdered sugar.

And voila! Easy fauxnuts for your officer and your family to enjoy.

air fryer donuts

**this is not a sponsored post-I love our air fryer and this recipe! the a+g blog may contain affiliate links**


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